The pre-primary wing is a kingdom of creative learning with exclusive trained professionals for introducing young minds to Music, Dance and Theatre. Each child in the pre primary wing is given a plant which is named after him. By nurturing the plant, the children imbibe a sense of responsibility, care and compassion. We also have an all-weather splash pool and rain shower facility for our tiny tots to get them acquainted with water and take their first steps towards swimming.
The pre-primary wing at our school is a vibrant centre where innovation and grandeur is reflected by the colourful set-up and thematic approach in teaching and design. Following a montessori approach, we believe that children are active learners, explorers, experimenters and artists. Therefore the young impressionable minds are provided with a rich, meaningful and balanced curriculum based on the development of the essential skills and 'Multiple Intelligence’. The system stresses on the importance of providing wings to our little angels.
Our classrooms have themes including underwater, space, animals etc., and we have both indoor and outdoor activity areas for our tiny tots. Where in one hand the indoor activity room has a range of exercises and models that help children develop necessary skills, on the other hand the outdoor area comes fitted with a train-themed playstaion, a skating area, and an amphitheatre customised for our little angels.